Smoking May Increase Prostate Cancer Recurrence New Study Claims

April 29, 2022 1 min read

Negative Smoking & Prostate Cancer Link

It seems that smoking is yet again in the spotlight after new findings published by BJU International, suggests that smoking may negatively affect the health outcomes of patients with prostate cancer.

Harvard School of Public Health Study

There have been a number of studies in the past which have all found similar results including the study published by the Harvard School of Public Health in 2011.

This study also uncovered a potential link between smoking at the time of prostate cancer diagnosis and aggressive prostate cancer, overall mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality.

Stacey Kenfield, lead author of the study said:

"“In our study, we found similar results for both prostate cancer recurrence and prostate cancer mortality,”

before adding,

"“These data taken together provide further support that smoking may increase risk of prostate cancer progression.”.

Over a follow up nearly a decade later it was found that current smokers had a 40% increase in cancer relapse in addition to a higher cancer spread rate and cancer related death rate.

Read More Here

Smoking may increase risks for patients being treated for prostate cancer