As long as vaping has existed, vapers have loved fruity flavours. Fruity vape juices are so popular, in fact, that it’s practically a requirement for every e-liquid brand to offer at least one fruit flavour. Therein lies the difference between Doozy Vape and the rest of the e-liquid industry. For some vape juice brands, fruity flavours are just a necessary part of doing business. For Doozy Vape, fruity e-liquids are a way of life. This is a company that offers fruity e-liquids for every possible taste. There’s a series of fruit cocktail e-liquids, a series of fruity soda e-liquids, a series of fruit candy e-liquids – you get the idea!
If you really want to get a notion of the care that goes into flavour development at Doozy Vape, the e-liquid that you should try first is Tropical Pear Martini. This vape juice delivers the flavour of an elegant fruit-based summer cocktail consisting of pear, kiwi and pineapple juices blended to absolute perfection. If you can imagine drinking a martini flavoured with pear liqueur and garnished with chunks of kiwi and pineapple soaked for months in some high-class vodka, you have a good idea of this vape juice’s flavour profile. It’s fabulous.
When you’re feeling a bit fatigued by the more complex flavour profiles and find yourself craving something with a bit more simplicity, Doozy Vape has plenty in that area to please your palate as well. The next e-liquid that you’ll want to try from this company is Lime Jelly Beans. Citrus fruits are some of the most difficult flavours to capture in vapour form, and in this e-liquid, the people at Doozy Vape demonstrate their true mastery of fruit. With a big burst of bold lime flavour offsetting a sweet jellybean base, there’s not a hint of furniture polish flavour here as there often is with citrus vape juices.
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