Will James Bond Need A Licence to Smoke?

April 29, 2022 3 min read

The names Bond, James Bond. Never has there been such an iconic catchphrase in the British movie industry. James bond is notorious for his fast cars, super cool gadgets and his licence to kill smoke.

Ok maybe I made that last one up, but according to Australian public health expert, Prof Simon Chapman, a scheme which would require a smoker to pay for a licence before being able to purchase cigarettes is suggested as the latest in a bid to discourage smoking.

Smoking Test

It has been suggested that the application process for such a scheme could even include a test of some sorts to discover if the current smoker understands the implications and risks of smoking. The professor from the University of Sydney was quoted as saying it could be of interest to “high-income nations that are actively pursuing tobacco control goals”.

The problem we currently face is that every attempt to discourage smoking from educating our children through their school years to publicly creating awareness though stop smoking campaigns is that none of them have had any significant effect. This new scheme has been promoted as the next generation of anti smoking measures to truly discourage smoking once and for all.

The new scheme as it currently stands would work by utilizing a model that would in essence run parallel to the pharmaceutical model. Anyone in the UK cannot obtain restricted dugs without first being prescribed a prescription by their GP. Likewise a smoker would not be able to purchase tobacco products without access to this smoking licence.

Upon being awarded a swipe card a smoker would be limited to a set number of purchases daily – this could perhaps be around 50 or less.

Live and Let Die

Smokers could arguably point out that smoking is their right and that as long as they are smoking outside or within a designated smoking area they are doing no wrong. They could see this as an attack on them personally and another way for the government to squeeze an extra few pounds from their already shallow pockets. Is it fair that such a scheme should be put in place that solely targets and singles out tobacco when arguably this country also has a serious of alcohol related problems?

However there are rumours circulating that if such a scheme was to be put in place a quit incentive plan would be built in enabling a smoker to claim back all licence fees paid during the smokers licence history .

Licence To Kill

Around one billion people in this century are predicted to die from smoking related diseases. However there are those claiming that such a move would be playing into the hands of the tobacco industry. Making people take tests before being allowed a smoking licence is basically an insult to the intelligence of the smoker – at the end of the day an adult should have the choice to decide if he or she would like to smoke and how much they would like to do so.

Another important point raised was that what happens if a smoker runs out of his daily allowance for cigarettes? They are mostly likely to break the law and go underground and discover other means of acquiring the cigarettes illegally to feed their nicotine dependency.

Die Another Day

The fact of the matter is, if you smoke you are damaging your health. It’s not too late to quit and with the countless quit smoking methods and products on the market there has never been a better time to kick the habit. From going cold turkey, using the aid of NRTs such as nicotine patches and nicotine gum to purchasing an electronic cigarette there is something for everyone. E cigs are a natural replacement to the cigarette as they allow the user to mimic their smoking habits and actions only in a safer, more controlled manner. You can purchase a large range of  e liquid flavours online making every vaping experience fresh and unique . Start to live a healthier life style starting from today....quit smoking!!!

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