Using Your Simply Rewards Points To Buy Vaping Goodies

April 29, 2022 2 min read

How Do I See How Many Reward Points I Have? 

1) Log in to your account by clicking the 'Log In' link at the top of the page.

3) View your account page by clicking the 'My Account'  link at the top of the page.

4) On this page you will now be able to see your total rewards points and their value in the 'Rewards Points' box to the right hand side of the page.

How Do I Use My Points I Have Collected? 

When you have collected enough points you can either use them to make a complete purchase or you can use them along side your transaction. For example if you bought some for £8.95 you could either purchase the e liquid for £8.95 worth of points or you could put your points towards your purchase. So if you had £4 worth of points you could use these and then only pay £4.95 to get your e liquid.

Step By Step Guide To Using Your Points To Purchase Vaping Goodies:

1) Find whatever it is on our site that you wish to purchase and click the button 'Add to Cart'. For this example I am going to buy some 'Max Taste Cool Mint E Liquid'.

2) When you have all the items in your basket you wish to purchase click the 'Checkout' button towards the bottom right of the page.

3) Check that your shipping information is correct in terms of the shipping address and the preferred shipping method to use for your order. When you are happy click the button 'Continue'. 

4) You should now see the 'Payment Method' screen which will display how many points you will earn from your current transaction the sub total of your current transaction, the promotional shipping rate and the overall total cost. It is on this page towards the bottom that you choose if you so wish to use your points. Under the header that says 'Redeem Rewards Points' click the small box to successfully use your points. 

5) Before clicking continue at the bottom of this page make sure to select a payment method. Even if you are using points to completely buy your product/s you still have to select a payment method to pay for the shipping.

6) Review your order and make sure all the information is correct. At the bottom of the page you will see the value of your redeemed rewards points along with your new total cost. Click 'Confirm Order' to successfully purchase your products.