University of Rochester Given 2.1 Million to Study E Cigs

April 29, 2022 2 min read

The University of Rochester New York has been given 2.1 million dollars to spend on research into e cigarettes. The State Attorney General has called for drastic measures to be taken in relation to the sale of e cigarettes and in April the Federal Agency proposed treating them as tobacco products to be taxed and sold as such.

The Rochester research programme will focus on the risks of e cigarettes and their use. The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has said that e cigarette usage is on the rise and they are concerned that young people are amongst those using them.

Dr Tom Mariani will lead the research and will focus on what e cigarettes do to the human body on a cellular and molecular level as well as looking at what the products do to our genes.

The effects on newborns and children will also be a heavy focus of the study which was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the FDA.

The goal of the research according to Dr Marinari is to “define the responses to e cigarettes and other types of these tobacco products so that the FDA may use them as the basis for regulation.”

Just what “tobacco products” Dr Marinari is referring to is unclear but e cigarettes and e liquid contain no tobacco. They do contain nicotine…which is not the same thing at all and the e juices which most people use simply mimic the effects of tobacco without the chemicals added by tobacco companies who produce cigarettes.

The research is ongoing not only in the USA and the team at Rochester plan to compare their findings with those of other research teams when the results are in. Time will tell whether these products remain unregulated or come under the control of various governments.