April 29, 2022 4 min read
We already know of the benefits of using electronic cigarettes and the money that can be saved from switching from regular cigarettes to e-cigs - If an individual smokes 10 cigarettes a day then they will save themselves around £1,000 a year. But what about insurance? Being an vaper can I be eligible for cheaper life insurance?
Cheaper Insurance For Ecig Users
In recent news a specialist insurance broker, Harvey Sutton, of Suttons Independent Financial Advisers, has successfully arranged life cover at non smoking rates for their clients who only use e-cigs. However even though Mr Sutton successfully obtained policies for electronic cigarette users it is doubtful that much more cover would be provided on the same basis as re-insurers who underwrite the insures have not yet changed their stance on the subject at matter. The Association of British Insurers said there remained “a lack of medical evidence as to any long-term health benefits” and added: “An insurer is increasingly likely to ask if the proposer is using nicotine products, as opposed to what is the weekly tobacco consumption.”
It seems to me like these insurers are behind the times – lifestyles are in constant flux and insurance companies should be changing their policies to better reflect these changes.
Insurance Companies Nicotine Exam
At present Insurance companies search for nicotine traces in the body when they are determining whether or not a person smokes. As you can already see there is a big problem here...what if an individual has quit smoking but is using an electronic cigarette? Well you have guessed it; they will still be classified as a smoker and therefore their premiums will be substantially increased.
Nicotine Drug Tests
When we take in nicotine, whether it is from a cigarette or e-cigarette, it is metabolized into something called cotinine in organs such as the lungs and liver and then excreted out in urine. Cotinine is a dependable biomarker and indicator for someone who uses nicotine and can be found using urine, blood and saliva samples.
How Long Is Nicotine Present In Your System?
Nicotine can be detectable in your system for as little as 2 days or as long as 3 months depending on the 3 following factors:
1. Amount of tobacco smoked
2. No. years smoking tobacco
3. Type of nicotine test performed.
Urine Nicotine Test
This is usually the standard test to determine if a person uses nicotine. In the test a person is asked to provide a urine sample. A strip is dipped in the sample for around 5 minutes to which a negative or positive reading will be present.
Approximately nicotine traces can be found in your body for 3-4 days after. However this can differ, for example for passive smokers where nicotine can be detectable for as long as 15-20 days. Also if menthol cigarettes are used the amount of detectable time may also increase.
Blood Nicotine Test
A nicotine blood test can detect even a minute amount of nicotine in the bloodstream. A blood sample is collected which then goes to a lab for tests.
How Long Can Nicotine Be Traceable In Your Blood?
When cotinine levels are used as an indicator it can take up to 10 days until the levels are undetectable in the blood.
When a blood test is carried out it is important that all the information about the tester is collected as there are a number of reasons that can lead to a false positive including people who work at metal refining areas (high levels of thiocyanate) and people who eat a lot of food containing thiocyanate such as almond and broccoli.
Saliva Nicotine Test
The saliva test is the most accurate and effective test which can be performed. It can detect levels 0 to 2,000ng/ml – a range much lower than that of the urine test.
When this test is taken a saliva sample is provided. A strip is then dipped in the saliva for 20 minutes and reacts with the cotinine showing the amount of nicotine exposure.
How Long Can Nicotine Be Traceable In Your Saliva?
Nicotine or more precisely cotinine can be detected in the saliva for more then 10 hours, or even 2 to 4 days in some cases.
Like the others, the amount of time that nicotine is detectable in the saliva depends on how much nicotine is being used.
This test is the most preferred tests as it is quick simple and doesn't require a needle or urine sample which some people find embarrassing.
How To Help Your Body Effectively Clear Nicotine?
There are a number of ways that you can help your body remove the nicotine, these include:
• Drink plenty of water – the more water you drink the more nicotine is excreted in urine.
• Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables – These food types have high fiber and water content which can help to metabolize the nicotine out your system.
• Eat garlic, onions and egg yolk – These particular foods increase bile production in the liver which is very good at removing nicotine.
• Exercise – Exercise improves the bodies circulation which in effect helps to remove toxins such as nicotine.
As can be seen above the tests to discover nicotine in a person’s system is very effective although none of them can determine whether the user smokes a cigarette or uses an electronic cigarette. I feel new tests need to be devised that can differentiate between the two therefore leading to fairer insurance premiums for vapers. Since electronic cigarettes don’t contain the thousands of harmful and carcinogens chemicals that cigarettes do I feel it is unfair for people who have quit smoking to be paying the same amount of insurance premiums then that of a smoker. What are your thoughts?
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